I have been contacted by a number of students and young professionals interested in developing a career in sustainability and international sustainable development. I am happy to continue offering my advise but I would suggest looking at the online resources I have compiled here. You should find them useful to understand the field, the skills and qualifications required to enter these fields. This is a collection of selected resources in international and national career development in sustainability, green management, international development and green / socially responsible education opportunities in the United States and abroad. I will be updating this page with additional resources. If you have some suggestions, please drop a note. Thank you and best of luck with your sustainable and socially responsible career! Dr. Marco Tavanti
Sustainable Development Career Opportunities
UN and NGO related Career Resources for Sustainable Development
International Development and Sustainability Opportunities Abroad
Convergence: Experiential Environmental Programs for an Emerging World (India) - http://www.thepointofconvergence.org
Earthwatch Institute - http://www.earthwatch.org
Foundation for Sustainable Development - http://www.fsdinternational.org
International – Green Drinks - http://www.greendrinks.org
International Development and Assistance Jobs http://www.internationaljobs.org/hotpta.html
International Development Jobs http://www.devnetjobs.org/
Me to We (Volunteer trips abroad) - www.metowe.com
The Otesha Project (Canada) - http://www.otesha.ca
World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) - http://www.wwoof.org
National Sustainability Job boards - listservs - websites
American Council of Engineering Companies Job Board – http://www.acec.org/jobbank/index.cfm
ASHRAE Careers Resources - http://www.ashrae.org/students/page/726
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) - http://www.aashe.org
(sign up for their bulletin, which quite frequently lists sustainability positions in universities across the country)
Bright Green - http://www.brightgreentalent.com
California Green Solutions- http://www.californiagreensolutions.com/cgi-bin/gt/tpl.h,content=1947
Change.org - http://www.change.org
EcoWomen: http://ecowomen.org
Energy Action Jobs Board - http://groups.google.com/group/eac-jobs-board
Energy Industry Jobs - http://www.powerplantpro.com
Energy Industry Jobs - http://www.powerplantpro.com
Environmental Careers Organization - http://www.eco.org
Good Company's resources for finding sustainability jobs - http://www.goodcompany.com/jobs/resources.htm
Great Green Careers - http://www.greatgreencareers.com
Green Careers Center - http://www.environmentalcareer.com
Green Collar.org: industry information, resource materials, and an interactive job board - http://www.greencollar.org
Green Dream Jobs http://www.sustainablebusiness.com/
Green Jobs (another one) - http://www.greenjobs.com
Green Jobs Network - http://www.greenjobs.net
Green Professionals- http://greenprofs.com/green-jobs
Greenopolis Job board - http://jobs.greenopolis.com/a/jobs/find-jobs
Idealist.org - http://www.idealist.org
Mass. Green Jobs Coalition (MAGJC) - http://www.magjc.org
Operations Jobs - http://www.operations-jobs.com
Renewable Energy Jobs - http://www.renewableenergyjobs.net
Renewable Energy Jobs - http://www.renewableenergyjobs.net
Renewable Energy World - http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/careers/jobseekers
SustainLane Green Jobs Board - http://www.sustainlane.com/green-jobs
The Complete Guide to Landing a Green Job - http://www.guidetocareereducation.com/tips-and-tools/green-jobs
Treehugger Job Board – http://jobs.treehugger.com
Tufts Institute of the Environment job and internship listings - http://environment.tufts.edu/?pid=38&c=48
Young Nonprofit Professionals Network - http://www.ynpn.org
Training Opportunities
Audubon Expedition Institute Sustainable Practices Summer Program - http://lesley.edu/gsass/audubon/summer_programs.html
Center for Progressive Leadership’s New Leaders Program - http://www.cplnewleaders.org
Chicago Organic Gardening, Non-profit Business - http://www.growinghomeinc.org
Environmental Leadership Program - http://www.elpnet.org
Enviropreneur Institute - http://www.perc.org/enviroprog/enviropreneur
Green Collar.org Educational Offerings - http://www.greencollar.org/environmental_education.html
Green Corps - http://www.greencorps.org- offers training and resources for jobs in the wind, solar and environmental arena.
Green Jobs Ready - http://www.greenjobsready.com
Greenpeace Organizing Term – http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/getinvolved/greenpeace-organizing-term
Massachusetts Weatherization Assistance Program - http://actioninc.org/mass_wap.html
Power Pathway Program in CA - http://www.pge.com/careers/powerpathway
Sierra Student Coalition - http://www.ssc.org/sprog/index.php, Also see, http://www.ssc.org/resources/opps.php
STEMPower - https://stempower.groupsite.com - Mid-Massachusetts Hub for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
SustainUS Agent of Change- http://sustainus.org (Apply to be a youth delegate at the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development; or participate in the Citizen Science Competition)
Weatherization Training Program - Laborers' International Union of North America -
Wind Training Program in NM - http://mesalands.edu/wind/default.htm
Sustainability Related Education Opportunities
AASHE list of Graduate Program on sustainable development http://www.aashe.org/resources/grad_Sustainable_Development.php
Audubon Expedition Institute - http://lesley.edu/gsass/audubon/index.html
Beyond Grey Pinstrips - http://www.beyondgreypinstripes.org/index.cfm (rankings for environmentally- and socially-conscious MBAs)
Byron Fellowship: a one-week, affordable course on sustainable communities (brochure) - http://www.byronfellowship.org/index.html
Clinton Global Initiative University - http://www.clintonglobalinitiative.org/NETCOMMUNITY/Page.aspx?pid=1871&srcid=3112
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs http://www.sipa.columbia.edu
DePaul University Undergraduate and Graduate Environmental Science Programs (see sustainability major).
Earth Day Network- Green Schools - http://www.earthday.net/greenschools
Golisano Institute for Sustainability (Rochester Institute of Technology) - http://www.rit.edu/fa/ritgreen/academic_programs_and_research.html
List of schools with Sustainability Certification Programs: http://www.aashe.org/resources/certificates.php
National Environmental Education Foundation - http://www.neefusa.org
North American Alliance for Green Education - http://www.naage.org
Sterling College Sustainable Agriculture Semester (summer) - http://www.sterlingcollege.edu/AD.summerfarm.html
Summer program on renewable energy at University of Hawaii-Maui Community College - http://www.forimmediaterelease.net/pm/2506.html
Teaming Up for Campus Sustainability: Programs that Cultivate Student-Staff Cooperation (Harvard University) - http://greencampus.harvard.edu/greenteams
U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development - http://www.uspartnership.org/main/view_archive/1
University Leaders for a Sustainable Future - http://www.ulsf.org
Scholarships & Fellowships
American Consulting Engineers Council Scholarships - http://www.acec.org/awards/index.cfm
American Meteorological Society/Industry Graduate Fellowships and Undergraduate Scholarships - http://www.ametsoc.org/amsstudentinfo/scholfeldocs/index.html
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Grants-In-Aid) - http://www.ashrae.org/students/page/750 (Check out their scholarships page too: http://www.ashrae.org/students/page/704)
Backpacker Outdoor Scholarships - http://www.sonoma.edu/scholarship/external/external_listing/BackpackersOutdoorScholar.html
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships - http://www.act.org/goldwater
Breakthrough Fellowship - http://www.thebreakthrough.org/BTgen.shtml
Brower Youth Award – http://www.broweryouthawards.org
Center for Progressive Leadership’s New Leaders Program - http://www.cplnewleaders.org
Davis Putter Scholarship Fund - http://davisputter.org/apply.html
e8 Scholarships - http://www.e8.org/index.jsp?numPage=195
Echoing Green Fellowship – http://www.echoinggreen.org
Electrical Women’s Round Table, Inc. Fellowships in Electrical Energy - http://mandm.engr.wisc.edu/faculty_pages/crone/Flwps_for_WISE.html
Garden Club of America Scholarships and Fellowships - http://www.gcamerica.org/scholarships.php3
Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship - http://wilderness.org/content/gloria-barron-scholarship
Harry S. Truman Scholarship – http://www.truman.gov
Hudson River Graduate Fellowships - http://www.snre.umich.edu/node/6331
Jackson Laboratory Summer Student Program Scholarships - http://education.jax.org/summerstudent/program/funding.html
Morris K. Udall Scholarship – http://www.udall.gov/OurPrograms/MKUScholarship/MKUScholarship.aspx
National Physical Science Consortium Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women - http://www.npsc.org
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships - http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201
National Wildlife Federation Campus Ecology Fellowship - http://www.nwf.org/campusecology/fellowships
Robert & Patricia Switzer Foundation Fellowship - http://www.switzernetwork.org
Roscoe Hogan 2009 Environmental Law Essay Contest - http://www.publicjustice.net/Essay%20Contest/essaycontest.htm
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Scholarship - www.bsces.org/downloads/2008_SGH_Scholarship.pdf
Smithsonian Institution Fellowships - http://www.si.edu/ofg/fellowopp.htm
Social Science Research Council Fellowships - http://fellowships.ssrc.org/overview
Sustainable Development Internship Abroad http://www.internabroad.com/search/sustainable-development/page1
Take Flight Microgrants - http://www.openleft.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=12153
Tibor T. Polgar Fellowships for Hudson River Research - http://www.hudsonriver.org/polgar.htm
U.S. Department of Energy Fellowships and Internships - http://www1.eere.energy.gov/education/internships.html
Wild Gift Fellowship - http://www.wildgift.org
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Fellowships and Traineeships - http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=8060
Young People For (YP4) Fellows Program - http://www.youngpeoplefor.org/programs/fellowship/apply